In his first ‘Ricky’s Rave’ column, Ricky Petterd gives an insight into a typical day at the club

EVEN when I was a kid I always wanted to know what a football player did during the day.

Although our schedule changes daily, I thought I would give you a quick insight into a usual Monday morning for the Dees!

I wake-up around 7:30 am (which is a good sleep in for us), fill the bowl with six Weet Bix, have a glass of juice and flick the TV on to Channel 513.

I have my bag packed the night before and then jump in my car and head to AAMI Park.

After sitting in traffic for about 45mins, I walk into the player change rooms.

Although my locker sits between Jack Grimes (No.16) and Lynden Dunn (No.14), I choose to speak to someone else: Col Garland.

If you’ve read Col’s previous column you’d understand why! Ha-ha!

We head to the theatrette for a review of last week’s game against Essendon.

‘Bails’ makes it pretty clear there is a lot to talk about.

Each line coach has their chance to go through their edits and show vision of situations they were pleased with, or needed explaining or improvement.

This meeting is a very interactive session. Players have a lot of input and usually resolve any issues we see ourselves.

It is now 10 am and we are preparing for a light training run.

Praying I get through the week fine, I'm hoping to play my first game for 2011.

It's only been seven months since I last played!

You will find nearly every player in the physio room at some stage preparing - even if they’re not injured. There is a lot of pre-hab exercises that can be done.

It's now 10:30 am and we are on the track.

We are divided into three groups. One group is with Kel O'Donnell for kicking, another with Scotty West working on clean hands and ground balls. The third group is with ‘Choco’ Royal, who is focusing on body work and contested marking.

The intensity of the session was great; the boys were up and about! After some set shots we stretch up and head for lunch.

After lunch at Swan St, we head into the weights room.

We have around 20-25 exercises to complete.

Stef Martin excels in this area, but I think Val (our gym coach) is happy there are no mirrors in our gym because he would probably never leave!

After a solid session, we take a dip in the pool then do some ice baths.

After a quick but necessary meeting with our nutritionist, we head home!

I usually just kick my feet up at home, watch TV or play a bit of NBA against my housemate, ‘Juice’ Newton. I'm currently up 3-1 in our series, just quietly.

On half days a lot of the boys like to work or do some study.

As I said earlier, our days change a lot, some go all day and others half days.

I hope that gives you a little insight on what we do daily.

Stay classy!