COACH Mark Neeld has kept his cards close to his chest in terms of this pre-season’s standouts, but he is satisfied with how the players have returned from their Christmas break.

Speaking at AAMI Park on Wednesday, Neeld indicated the players had been diligent in their work ethic over the festive season, before they recommenced pre-season training on January 4.

“There have been a number of players who have trained really well, but I don’t want to go into individualising anyone yet,” he said.

“We’re really pleased with the way that they’ve come back. All of the players are back now and they’ve reported in pretty good shape.”

Neeld’s first pre-season as senior coach has been rigorous for the players. But he has been pleased with how the squad has responded.

“In terms of training, there has been a level of intensity initially … they’re out there impressing the new coaching group,” he said.

“We’re beginning to know the group, but reality still says we’re in our 10th week of training.

“We don’t know them intimately about how they go about their footy, but we’re getting a fair idea. There has been an initial upward spike in intensity by the players.”

Neeld said the characteristics displayed by the squad had been exactly what he expected from an elite sporting team.

“We want guys to deliver through actions,” he said.

“We want guys to be consistent through their performance and we want guys who are going to be positive influences on the rest of their teammates and the whole club.

“And we want players who can consistently show that it’s not just about leadership of a footy team - it’s a club and it’s a sporting code.”

Meanwhile, the coach took time to acknowledge an important personal milestone during his first media conference for the year.

“Sarah, happy 20th wedding anniversary, dear,” he said.

“I haven’t quite caught up with you yet - the rest of the family haven’t made the move up from Ocean Grove yet - but we will.”