IF YOU'VE been thinking about getting solar panels installed on your home this winter, it’s not too late to do so. One of the most frequently asked questions about solar panel installations is whether it will actually work during the winter months.
Solar panels still work during winter and will still help you save costs on your power bills. Solar panels work on light (UV rays), not heat. Although the amount of electricity produced is reduced compared to summer months, they’ll still keep producing electricity even when it’s cold, cloudy and overcast. Cooler temperatures also mean your solar panel’s electrical system won’t overheat and thus allows the solar panels to function at their full potential.
It’s also a good idea to install your solar panels during winter as you can ensure that the panels are placed at the optimum tilt angle to receive maximum light - which will only benefit you come summertime when the sun moves higher up in the sky. Some people also choose to install additional panels, which help produce extra energy to offset their increased energy consumption during winter.
Don’t forget that it can take up to 8 weeks for your solar panels to be installed due to regulations regarding electrical inspections and meter conversion. During summertime when it’s the peak time for installations, this waiting period could stretch out even longer. If you have your panels installed during winter, you’ll be ready when it’s time for summer!
Remember that during winter, your power bills typically rise due to high heating costs to stay warm at home. So don’t worry if you think it’s too late to get solar panels installed on your home or business, just remember that as long as there’s light, you’ll be generating electricity and saving money at the same time.