CO-CAPTAIN Jack Grimes says the team wants to send retiring club great Brad Green off in style.

Grimes said the Demons were eager to make sure that Green, who announced on Wednesday that he would be finishing up at season’s end, would be given a fitting farewell.

“With guys like that, you just assume that they’re going to play on forever,” he told

“It’s great that he’s playing out the year, and it’ll be a privilege to play the last few games with Greeny. And he’d love nothing more than to finish off the last four games strongly.

“You definitely want to send off a player like that, and finish off the year well and play some good footy for him, because that’s what he deserves. Hopefully we can do that.”

Grimes said that Green would long be remembered at the club, and not just for his playing ability.  

“Like Neeldy (Mark Neeld) said in the press conference and he summed it up well - Greeny is more than just the footballer. He’s played over 250 games and has achieved some great accolades at Melbourne,” he said.

“Everyone will remember him as a great football around the club, but we’ll remember him more as a great bloke. He’s an all-round great person to have around the place.

“He’s got so much experience, and he is so selfless and all he wants is for the Melbourne footy club to do well. He talked about us getting better, and it wasn’t about him. It was more about the Melbourne footy club, which he put his heart and soul into.”

Grimes said he still remembers meeting Green for the first time, and recalled a player who didn’t discriminate between the youngsters and the more experienced players.

“When I first came to the club, I was a pretty nervous, shy kid and I was pretty star struck when I walked in, especially with guys like Brad Green. I’d grown up watching him and admiring the way he went about it, so training and playing alongside him was a bit surreal,” he said.

“Even in my first year, the way he spoke to me and the way he does now - he’s no different. And he doesn’t treat anyone differently. He’s a 250-game champion of the club, and he’ll speak to a rookie who hasn’t played a game through to a 250-game champion of the club. He’s that sort of guy. He makes everyone feel so welcome and I still remember that pretty fondly.

“He’ll be sadly missed when he’s not playing, but I’m sure we’ll still see a lot more of him, and hopefully he’ll stay involved in the club.”