YOU’VE probably heard quite a few things about solar power. Today, we look at 5 common misconceptions about solar power.
1. Solar power only works in sunny areas
A lot of people believe that you need lots of sunshine for your solar panel system to work. Yes, it’s true that clear sunny skies are a great benefit but what you actually need is plenty of UV light. The UV rays are what the photovoltaic cells need to convert the sun’s energy into electricity. That’s why even in winter, your solar panel system will still be working away to help you save money.
2. Solar power is too expensive for me
The current government rebates help to significantly subsidise the cost of installing solar panel systems. The solar rebates can help save you up to 20% of the cost! Don’t forget, there are great payment plans also available to make it affordable for you to have solar panels on your home. Also, you’ll start seeing the cost saving benefits of solar energy immediately in your power bills cost reduction - and after 5-7 years, you would be looking at producing free, clean energy for your household!
3. Solar energy costs more than traditional energy
Switching to Solar you will pay a fee for your Solar Panels and installation however once these are paid in full, the solar power that your system harnesses is free for you to use. With the pending arrival of carbon tax, choosing to continue using fossil-based fuels (coal, oil, gas) could eventually cost more!  Using solar energy will protect you against the future impact of carbon tax.
4. Solar panel systems will get cheaper eventually
Some people believe that by waiting for the technology cost to drop, they’ll be able to afford solar panels. The technology cost to of new solar panel systems will reduce over time, however, so will any government rebates - this then means you don’t really save much by waiting. As we already know, the solar rebates are reducing significantly as of 1 July 2011.
5. Production of solar panels causes more pollution than the energy it saves
As solar panel systems are built to last around 25 years, the small amount of industrial waste that happens in the manufacturing process is offset by the energy it saves. Solar manufacturing is a very green process and most people get their investment returned between 5-7 years depending on their system.
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