FIND out what’s being said about the club in the major daily newspapers on Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Age

Bell's doctor urges disclosure
By Samantha Lane

THE Melbourne doctor who was unaware of Daniel Bell's concussion-related brain damage until after the footballer's delisting says the disclosure of ''invisible injuries'' is critical in preventing repeats of such a traumatic case. Dr Andrew Daff, in his 24th season with the Demons and also the president of the AFL Medical Officers Association, was only alerted to Bell's condition in the player's exit medical interview last September. Determined to keep playing at any cost, and embarrassed about his deteriorating memory and concentration span, Bell hid his symptoms from Daff until he was cut from the list. Once he divulged his concerns, he was referred to a neuropsychologist who diagnosed brain damage, and strongly advised the 25-year-old to stop playing football. Daff, who continues to oversee Bell's treatment, told The Saturday Age he had a clear conscience about his management of the 66-gamer. "At a personal level and a professional level, I've felt fine that we've managed things as best we can,'' he said.