CHIEF executive Cameron Schwab says the proprietors of the St Kilda nightspot have confirmed that Brent Moloney did not urinate on the bar.

Speaking at AAMI Park on Monday afternoon, Schwab said he wanted it made clear that the allegation was false.

“We’ve spoken to the proprietors of the bar in question and they’ve confirmed that they’ve gone through all of the tapes, and they’ve spoken to all of the people who were involved and working on the night. They confirmed that the incident that was purported to have happened didn’t occur,” Schwab said.

“That’s an important starting point for us, which then actually enables us to focus on the issue, which was the fundamental one, as we spoke about this morning. That related to Brent being intoxicated at 2.30am in the morning.

“The management at the bar can confirm that Brent was asked to leave at 2.30am in the morning and [he] left without any concern or consideration and there was no issue in regard to that.”

Schwab, who acknowledged Moloney as a fine leader, said the midfielder would take the loss of the vice-captaincy hard.

“If anyone who knows Brent - and what that actually means - it’s a very serious and significant issue,” he said.

“He’s a player who has earned the right to be part of the leadership group and he’s done the hard yards in terms of building his career at this club.

“He’s actually a life-long Melbourne supporter and when elevated to the role as vice-captain, talked about it as a crowning achievement in his career thus far.”

Schwab said the challenge for Moloney is to try and return to the leadership group, which consists of Brad Green (captain), Aaron Davey and Jared Rivers (joint vice captains) and Jack Grimes and Nathan Jones.

“The responsibility he now has is to try and re-earn that right,” he said.

“Having earned the right in the first place, he knows what it takes, but he also understands that he’s now coming from a fair way back in regard to that particular issue.

“It’s a punishment ... which has evolved from the discussion from the leadership group [and it] would hurt more.”

Schwab said from a club perspective that it is satisfied with the outcome.

No other players were involved in the incident.