CHIEF executive Cameron Schwab has sent a clear message to the football community that Sunday’s 11-point win over Brisbane Lions at the MCG was nothing to write home about.

Although relieved Melbourne recorded its first win of the season, Schwab said the manner it was achieved - the Demons trailed by 25 points at quarter-time - was far from glowing.

“[It was] a win, that’s all it was. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves from that perspective,” he said. 

“We’re a young group. We have high expectations of our leaders. It was a win, but it was only that.

“It wasn’t any reason to be going beyond in any expectations or celebrations or anything similar to that. From our perspective, we’ve got to keep that in perspective as well.”

Schwab spoke about the performance, when addressing the Brent Moloney issue at AAMI Park on Monday morning.