YOUNG Demon Luke Tapscott speaks to editor Matt Burgan in the lead-up to the round 19 clash against Geelong

You’ve recently comeback from injury after a hamstring injury sidelined you for five weeks. How are you feeling since your setback?

I did my hammy against the Saints, which is a fair while ago now. There were no signs that I was going to do a hammy, but I unleashed a bomb and then it went. Since then, I’ve worked hard to get back as soon as possible. And I finally came back against Port Adelaide in Darwin.

How did you find your return match against the Power?

LT: The first game back in Darwin was pretty tough. It was tough coming back from the VFL to the AFL, and I really noticed it, but it was great coming back into the team.

Overall, you’ve played 10 matches since debuting this season - your second AFL listed season. How have you found stepping up this year?

LT: I’ve really enjoyed this year. I’ve got to play a few games, which is a lot better than last year. But getting to learn from playing AFL games and playing on good players has been great - I love it.

How do you assess your own form now, as opposed to your goals at the start of the year?

LT: At the start of the year, my aim was just to get into the team and play well. But I was unsure how I would go. I was confident, and then I found consistency. I’ve had plenty to work on from week to week, like working on my defensive skills. I’ve really worked on that area.

Is playing in the AFL just as you expected it to be? Or have there been any major surprises?

LT: Each game I’ve played in has been really different. I’ve found the tactics that teams put in are different, so that’s the biggest difference I’ve found. The speed of the game has also been a difference. But the variance of tactics is noticeable from game-to-game. Just getting your head around that, and knowing your opposition, is important.

You played most of your elite junior career as a midfielder/forward. This year, you have shifted down back. What’s that move been like?

LT: Bails [Dean Bailey] said to me after the Christmas break that he’d like to give me a shot down back. He wanted me to provide some run and rebound out of the backline. I’ve really enjoyed it down back. It’s been fun to learn and play a different role in the team.

Now you’ve had a taste down back, where do you believe you’re best suited?

LT: I now just want to keep my versatility. Whatever the team needs, I don’t really mind. I just want to remain in the team. Hopefully within the next few years, I can continue to work on all areas of my game. I hope to play in the midfield with a few of the other lads, but I’m happy playing down back at the minute.

It’s a tough assignment playing Geelong at Skilled Stadium. How are the boys feeling about this match?

LT: We’ve gone down to Geelong the night before and a lot of the boys found that good last year. It helps bond the team and it is good getting ready together down there, rather than driving in the morning. It’s a big help. We’re feeling confident and we’ll give it our best shot.

You’ve never played at Skilled Stadium before - even as an elite junior player. What’s that like, knowing you’re about to play an AFL match at a new ground?

LT: Yeah, I’ve never had a run there, although I’ve watched a few matches. But it’ll be good to have a run around there.

It’s an interesting stage of the year for Melbourne. There are some tough games ahead against Geelong and Carlton, but the top eight is still within reach. How do assess Melbourne’s prospects at this point of the season?

LT: It’s great to test ourselves against the best teams in the competition. We’ll really see where we’re at in the next four weeks, and how much we do want to play finals. Just as long as we have a good crack and give our best over the next four weeks. It’d be great to play finals, considering where the club’s been in the last three or four seasons. The boys are really excited to give it our best shot over the next six weeks.