BEING involved in an AFL club sometimes sends up unexpected opportunities - often after long seasons of service - and so it was recently for John Stanaway.

Stanaway, who is Melbourne’s head trainer, was co-head trainer of the Australian team that toured Ireland, adding a further red and flavour to the line up, alongside players Brad Green and James Frawley.

As he explains it, Stanaway’s time as Australian head trainer is ‘a two year stint. Next year the Irish are in Australia, and I’ll be co-head trainer then, too.’

His involvement this year was ‘basically the same duties as a match day.’ While the eighteen days in Ireland were spent travelling, seeing a few sights, relaxing in the evenings, and enjoying the delights of an Irish castle - lake fishing, clay pigeon shooting, watching a falconer at work and the like - most of the time it was ‘on the go all the time. We had treatment to give every day, so it was hard work.’

From Cork to Limerick, and on to Dublin, the regular routine of player care was on Stanaway’s schedule every day - strapping, massage and all the tasks that enable players to play the game - or a variation thereof.

‘It was a great experience, and it was wonderful to work with different players from all the teams.’ As for the games, ‘Croke Park was special. They were cutting the grass by hand with Victa mowers - that’s how much they treasure that grass!’

Of course, an Australian win highlighted the experience for Stanaway, and while he can’t wait for the season ahead, ‘I’m looking forward to when the Irish come out here later next year - it’s pretty special to be involved.’

And, with Stanaway’s involvement extending the Melbourne presence, it is a special honour and one that is well deserved. All congratulate him on this achievement.