ON THURSDAY, Jack Watts and Lynden Dunn launched the Club’s industry leading ‘Digital Demons - Playing by the Rules’, in conjunction with the Education Department Early Childhood Development.

 ‘The Digital Demons - Playing by the Rules’ program, which is powered by Kaspersky, aims to give students the skills to become ambassadors for safe and responsible use of social media.

Watts and Dunn spoke candidly about using social media in a way that is appropriate for fans, family and friends.

“It’s important that you trust the people you’re communicating with. It’s also vital to tell a responsible adult if you notice people behaving inappropriately on social media. You could be the person who saves someone else from being bullied,” said Watts.

The program gave students such as Rachel Cerar an invaluable insight in to how to participant in social media safely as well as educate her peers.  “It was great that Jack and Lynden could give us specific examples of how to be online safely. One of the best bits was being prompted to reflect on how my friends and I use social media, and to look at ways we can do it better. I’ll definitely be changing the way I do things online and, as Lynden said, I’ll be sure to speak up and take action if I need to.”

The Year 9 students from 26 schools went on to develop a set of online safety rules that the players will implement. Vice Captain Jared Rivers visited the students to collect their ‘commitment to action pledge’ and thanked them for their insights and hard work.

If you wish to participate in a future ‘Digital Demons- Playing by the Rules’ program, please contact Schools Coordinator, Renee Dobson at renee.dobson@melbournefc.com.au.