IT WAS BACK to school for the Club’s CEO, Cameron Schwab this week as he took part in the Principal for the Day program at Courtenay Gardens Primary School, Cranbourne.

From teaching in the classroom to doing yard duty, Schwab quickly adapted to the principal position, gaining a valuable insight in to the importance of the principal role.

Schwab said,  "Principal Loretta Hamilton leads a great school, with fantastic values, exemplified by the teachers, and exhibited in turn by the children. Principal for a Day was a great experience, and there was a real sense of pride in the school. Thank you to the entire school community for making me so welcomed."

Twelve other Melbourne Football Club employees also participated in the Principal for a Day program in the City of Casey.

Since 2001, Principal for a Day has successfully matched over 1000 schools with business and community leaders, and has found that 93% of Principals for a Day and schools have continued their relationships long after the event day finished.