NEW COACH Mark Neeld says he couldn’t have asked for more from his players this pre-season.

Neeld, speaking at the club’s AGM at the MCG on Wednesday night, said the squad had adhered to all the coaching staff’s requirements. 

“We requested from the players an elite work ethic and an elite compliance,” he said.

“Over the last four and a half months - that’s exactly what I’ve seen.

“They’re a passionate group of players who have shown terrific compliance and a great work ethic.”

Neeld didn’t hold back, saying the pre-season had been really tough on the players.

“It’s a season of hope and it’s also a season of reality,” he said.

“Our reality is that we’re one of 18 clubs, doing exactly the same thing.

“In saying that, by the time we get to round one, I’m confident that the players will have done enough work to give ourselves every opportunity to compete - that’s what I can give you.”

Neeld said he couldn’t predict Melbourne’s fortunes for 2012 or beyond.

“I can’t set timelines as to how long it will take and where we will be after six games or 12 games or one season,” he said.

“I can’t do that. But I can guarantee you that we won’t die wondering.

“We have very clear, set ideas on how we want to play and how we want to educate the players.” 

In regards to Melbourne’s leadership group, Neeld said the process had started four and a half months ago.

“And it was difficult and tough,” he said.

“There are half a dozen players there from last year’s leadership group, and I respect the fact that they’re sitting there saying, ‘why doesn’t he just get up there and give us the leadership group?’ But it’s a thorough process.

“We as a club are going to take as long as we possibly can to get that selection right. We will stick to the timeline of announcing the leadership group prior to the commencement of the NAB Cup.

“It’s not something that’s going to be selected in a quick fashion.”

Neeld said input regarding the leadership group would be obtained from the coaching staff, players and other key members of the club.