Midfielder Nathan Jones speaks honestly to melbournefc.com.au about the week that’s been and looks ahead to round three
How has the week been for the players on the back of last round’s disappointing result?

NJ: It has been pretty flat and we were very disappointed. But we can only look forward now and we learned a fair bit from the game. Hawthorn really opened us up in the third quarter and we couldn’t stem the flow. We got some good teaching points early in the week and now we’re back on the bike. It is true - a week is a long time in footy, but I’m really looking forward to Sunday and hopefully we can come out and give a four quarter effort like we showed in the second quarter last round.

How long does it take the boys to get back up after a match like that?  

NJ: Not that long, because there is a huge motivation around the joint to not let it happen again. I think a lot of the players are pretty driven. The feeling was a bit down early in the week, but now we’re up and going. Last week is behind us and we’re really into Brisbane and preparing the best possible to get the best result possible.

What was the most revealing aspect from the match review?

NJ: Probably our team defence. We need to work together more, rather than making it an individual thing. The best teams like Collingwood, Hawthorn and Adelaide are really high-end, quality defensive sides. They are one unit and we need to improve that area and make it harder for teams to play against. We gave up 75 inside 50s, which would have to be close to a record. We need to try stem the flow and attack back the other way.

That’s the first time the team has produced a performance like that since you’ve been in the leadership group. What’s it like dealing with a result like that as a leader?

NJ: I’m pretty competitive and I hate losing. It hurt me and the last few years have hurt me, considering how we’ve gone. I think there is a lot of positive vibes around the joint, but last weekend was a bit of a reality check. We’ve still got a long way to go and we’ve got to find that consistency. That comes back to the leadership group and we’ve got to take control on the ground. We’ve got to arrest some of that momentum when opposition teams get a run-on. We’ve got to control and direct the playing group. The responsibility ultimately falls back on us, but I’m looking forward to the challenge now.

Do you feel more pressure as a leader or do you feel that you’re mature enough to cope in that role?

NJ: There is more pressure - it comes with the territory. You’re considered a senior player and you have to stand up. Personally, I don’t really feel any different. I feel like I’ve matured as a player and improved in areas I’ve really knuckled down on. I’m just continuing to work hard and the results will come.

Can you talk about your role and how you have viewed your form this year?

NJ: I’ve played a couple of weeks on the wing and a little bit half-back. I’ve been reasonably happy with my form. I’ve been putting on some good pressure and laying some tackles. My ball use has been pretty good, which has been a focus. I just need to find more of the footy, get the ball in my hands a bit more through the middle of the ground and continue to work hard. I really need to drive the other players with the team defence. I need to make sure I’m playing my role and put on the pressure. I’ve been reasonably consistent without being outstanding and I just need to find more of the footy to take my game to the next level.

Has that been similar feedback from the coaches?

NJ: Yeah, but there has been a lot of focus from them on my positioning and different aspects of my role. I’ve been learning and I think I’m starting to understand that now. I just need to continue my high work rate on the ground now. Hopefully the ball bounces my way and I’ll get more involved.

Did you get away for a surf to clear the head during the week?

NJ: Yeah I did. I had a surf on Wednesday and it was pretty good actually. It cleared the head, after a fair bit of reviewing on Monday and Tuesday. To get away on Wednesday was good. I feel a bit refreshed. I also had a jog and a stretch and a kick of the footy and now I’m looking forward to Sunday.

How important is it for you to get away and have a surf as part of your preparation?  

NJ: Yeah, it is. Most of our days off are Wednesday, which is probably good. The first day and a half is about reviewing the game from before. We obviously train and recover as well during those days, but it leads into our day off. On the Wednesday, I try to get down to the coast and feel like I’ve got out of Melbourne and away from everything. It’s important for me to refresh the head and refresh mentally for the next few days ahead.

And finally, if you could guarantee one thing from the team this round, what would it be?

NJ: I think our intent will be right up. Hopefully what we’ve put in place during the week, we really come out and deliver it on the weekend. As long as the effort is there, the results will fall our way. We just need guys to really step up in their intensity. Win, lose or draw - as long as guys are putting in 100 per cent effort - the results will follow.