THE INTRODUCTION of several recruits is already starting to pay dividends for the Demons, particularly the experienced Daniel Cross, according to key backman Tom McDonald.

McDonald said the ability to pick the brain of players such as the former Bulldog star had been invaluable so far this pre-season, particularly at Melbourne’s recent three-day camp at Sorrento.

“Not just at the camp, but in the last couple of weeks, speaking with guys like Daniel Cross has been good. I’ve found out a bit about him, where he’s from and what’s made him successful, so that’s been really interesting,” he told

“Speaking to guys like Viv Michie is interesting, because you find out what his program at Fremantle was like. What he’s had to say has been interesting.

“Dom Tyson is a similar age and he knew a few guys before hand as well, so it’s been good to get to know them.”

McDonald said the team bonding aspect with both the new and existing players at the camp was one of the highlights.

“We had a lot of fun together. Any spare time we had, the guys were hanging around together in the common area or walking up the street together,” he said.

“It was great to be able to talk to guys you might not talk to as much.

“We also had a trivia night and had a bit of banter in between, so it was a really good couple of nights together. It was good to get away from Melbourne, so it was really enjoyable.”

McDonald said he would’ve loved to have stayed another couple of days to bond with his teammates.

“It would’ve been great to have another day to spend with the guys that didn’t have meetings or football, as it was a great opportunity to be with them,” he said.

“I reckon that’s just as big a gain, because you’re building relationships.”

Meanwhile, McDonald said he was tracking positively in his training after post-season surgery.

“It’s been really good, although it has been frustrating,” he said.

“You want to go out and train straight away, but I’m not quite doing everything with the shoulder, but it’s getting very close to being able to do most things.

“No doubt after Christmas – or even before – I should be back into full training from my point of view.”