NEW MELBOURNE captain Brad Green says he worked hard to improve his leadership after he was surprisingly overlooked from the group in 2008.

When the first leadership group under Dean Bailey was announced, Green was not included. But, as he told the Melbourne faithful at Thursday night’s annual general meeting, this was an area of his game that he worked on, resulting in his new post.

“I had deficiencies on my leadership that I needed to work on and rise as a leader,” he said.

“I think you’re always still learning the caper. I had to go away and learn those qualities and I think I learnt about my leadership skills.

“I’m still going to learn as a captain and I’m still going to learn while I’m here, and until the day I leave I’ll still be learning.”

But new joint vice-captain Brent Moloney said Green was now a standout leader.

“He’s been there and done that. He’s been here 12 seasons and he’s played 220 games and his preparation is second to none,” Moloney said.

“He leads by example on and off the field.”

The youngest member of the six-man leadership group, Jack Grimes, said he was thrilled to be inducted for 2011.

“I was really honoured to be selected by the playing group,” he said.

“[The players] went on more actions off the field … and I’d like to think I made a bit of an impact during the pre-season.”

Another new addition to Melbourne’s leadership group, Nathan Jones, said Grimes’ qualities - for just a fourth year AFL player - stood out.

“It stems from the injuries [he had] early in his career, but he’s very, very particular in terms of his preparation - he does not leave any stone unturned,” Jones said.

“He leads by example … it’s not about how many games he’s played or how old he is - but he sets the right example day-in-day-out, and that’s what we want.

“He lives and breathes the values we want around the footy club, and that’s why he’s in it.”