AS confirmed yesterday, Melbourne’s Max Gawn has been sidelined with an ankle injury.

The club’s High Performance Manager Selwyn Griffith provided a second update on the skipper on Tuesday afternoon.

“Unfortunately for Max he sustained that injury during the game,” Griffith said.

“Following the game, he had some swelling and scans confirmed that he has that small chip to the fibula.

“Now, it's about how we best prepare Max for the back end of the season.

“It’s about swelling management, getting his function back and we'll have more information over the coming days on his progression.”

Harrison Petty missed Melbourne’s Round 17 match due to hamstring awareness and will need to successfully complete a fitness test if he’s to be available this weekend.

“Harry was really close to playing on the weekend, but just wasn't able to achieve some of our markers,” Griffith said.

“But he had a great session over the weekend. He'll integrate into our main training session tomorrow and look to be available as long as he can achieve those markers this week.”

Ben Brown will also need to get through training this week after experiencing some knee soreness last week.

“Ben trained with the group on main training, following that he just had some swelling and discomfort with his knee,” Griffith said.

“So, we chose for the best course of action for him to rest over the weekend. He'll integrate into training, and we'll look to make a call following training tomorrow.”

Name Injury Expected Return
Harrison Petty Hamstring Test
Ben Brown Knee Test
Max Gawn Ankle 2 - 3 weeks
Charlie Spargo  Achilles TBC
Christian Petracca Spleen  Indefinite