ALL MEMBERS would have recently received communication regarding the upcoming Melbourne Football Club Special General Meeting (SGM).
See below an overview of why the club is holding an SGM and how you, as a member, can help shape the club’s constitution.
We encourage all members to have their say at this important event by Nominating a Proxy to vote on their behalf, or by attending the SGM in person.
FAQs – Special General Meeting
Why is the club holding a Special General Meeting (SGM)?
The purpose of the SGM is to allow members to consider and vote on proposed amendments to the club’s constitution.
What is the club’s Constitution?
The Melbourne Football Club Constitution is an important document, which has existed in many forms since the club’s formation. It deals with matters such as how the Board is appointed, the rights of members and other governance matters.
Why is the Constitution being reviewed?
The review was brought about primarily by the need to allow electronic voting for Director Elections. Given this, the Melbourne Football Club Board decided it was important to review and modernise the Constitution in its entirety to make sure that the Constitution works to support the Club for many years to come.
When was the Constitution last reviewed?
The Constitution was last reviewed over 15 years ago.
Who is responsible for reviewing the Constitution?
The Melbourne Football Club Board established a Constitutional Reform Working Group, which was responsible for reviewing the current Constitution, benchmarking it against similar organisations, meeting members to obtain feedback and making recommendations for changes that are important for the future of the club.
The Constitutional Reform Working Group is chaired by Mr David Rennick (Director) and includes Ms Sally Freeman (Director), Mr John Trotter (Director), Ms Janette Kendall (Member), Mr Geoff Porz (Member), Mr David Chippindall (Melbourne Football Club Chief Operating Officer) and Mr David Goldberg (Melbourne Football Club Secretary and Returning Officer).
How are changes to the Constitution implemented?
Changes to the Constitution require the support of over 75% of members that vote on the changes.
What are the proposed changes?
There are a number of recommendations relating to matters of the club. Some are outlined below, while full details are available in the Explanatory Memorandum.
Director Election
The current Constitution requires any Director Election to be conducted by postal ballot. Due to costs and efficiency, the recommendation is to remove the requirement of a postal ballot to allow the club to conduct elections via electronic voting. The election rules will still allow members who wish to vote via post to do so.
Inclusion & Diversity – Chairman/President
Currently, the Constitution references the role of ‘Chairman’ and ‘Vice-Chairman’ throughout. It is proposed that these words are replaced with ‘President’ and ‘Vice-President’, and where relating to the chairing of meetings, ‘chair’, to reflect the club’s commitment to inclusiveness.
There is also no reference to the AFLW competition, given the Constitution was last amended prior to the introduction of AFLW. It is proposed to recognise the AFLW team within the Constitution and the requirement to maintain this team as part of club operations into the future.
Director Tenure
There is no director tenure limit in the current Constitution, meaning directors may seek to retain their positions on the Board indefinitely. A limit of three elected terms (nine years) is the recommended amendment, to be consistent with best practice for director tenure limits.
Removal of references to “gaming” within the Constitution
The Constitution currently details the maintenance of its gaming and liquor licenses. With the club no longer invested in gaming businesses, there is no requirement to maintain reference of this within the Constitution.
When can I vote on these changes?
The SGM will be held on Wednesday 26 October at 6.30pm AEDT. Members may attend in-person at the State Room at the Pullman Albert Park Hotel, 65 Queens Rd, Melbourne, VIC, 3004. Members are asked to RSVP by 5pm AEDT Friday 21 October here.
What if I can’t attend?
If you are unable to attend, you reserve the right to appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf. Proxy Appointment must be complete by 5pm AEDT Tuesday 25 October. You can nominate a proxy here.
Will the SGM be live streamed?
Yes, the SGM will be streamed at for members who wish to observe proceedings.
Where can I find more information about the Constitution and the SGM?
Further information relating to the Constitution and SGM can be found here.