Find out what’s being said about the club in the major daily newspapers on Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Age

Wonaeamirri energised for return after tough year
By John Salvado and Martin Flanagan

AFTER enduring the toughest year of his life, Melbourne forward Austin Wonaeamirri is looking ahead with renewed confidence. Wonaeamirri is expected to return for the Demons' VFL affiliate Casey this weekend for the first time since taking a long leave of absence to return to the Tiwi Islands after the death of his father Matthew in May. Wonaeamirri hasn't completely ruled out the possibility of making a return to AFL action this year if the 11th-placed Demons can win their last three games and secure an unlikely finals berth. ''I have had a tough year, with dad passing away, that really got to me mentally,'' Wonaeamirri said.