ACN 005 686 902

Melbourne Football Club Ltd (the Club) gives Notice that the Annual General Meeting of members will be held at the Members Dining Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground, East Melbourne, 3002 on Thursday, 4 February 2010 at 7:00pm.

1. To receive the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2009

2. Election of Directors
As required by law and rule 3.7 of the Club's Constitution, Mrs Karen Hayes will retire at the Annual General Meeting. Mrs Hayes has offered herself for re-election.

Nominations for election to the Board were called. The retiring director has been nominated for election to the Board.

As there is one Board vacancy and one candidate, in accordance with rule 3.4(g) of the Club's Constitution, that candidate is deemed to be elected to the Club's Board and will hold office from the close of the Annual General Meeting.

By order of the Board

Matthew Green
Melbourne Football Club Ltd
30 November 2009

These Notes form part of the Notice of Annual General Meeting.

Please read these notes prior to completing the proxy form.

Right to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting

All members, other than Temporary Members, are entitled to attend the meeting, but only Voting Members are entitled to vote. Voting Members are Ordinary Members, Life Members, MCC/MFC Members or AFL/MFC Members. Junior Members are not entitled to vote.

A Voting Member must produce at the time of voting their 2009 membership ticket or, if the membership ticket is lost, a statutory declaration in which the circumstances of the loss are explained.

Appointment of proxies and attorneys
Each Voting Member may appoint an attorney or proxy to attend, speak, vote and join in a demand for a poll at the Annual General Meeting instead of the Voting Member. Only 1 proxy can be appointed. The attorney or proxy need not be a member of Melbourne Football Club Ltd.

Lodgement of proxy and attorney documents

An appointment of a proxy or an attorney is not effective for a particular meeting of Members unless:

(a) in the case of a proxy, the proxy form and, if it is executed by an attorney, the relevant power of attorney or a certified copy of it; and

(b) in the case of an attorney, the power of attorney or a certified copy of it,

is received by Melbourne Football Club Ltd at its registered office or a fax number at that office, at least 24 hours before the meeting.

Registered office:
Mr Matthew Green
Melbourne Football Club Ltd
Level 3 MCG
Great Southern Stand
Brunton Avenue
Victoria 3002

Fax number:  (03) 9650 4696