MELBOURNE general manager of list management Tim Harrington says the club is assessing its options, following the second day of trade week.

Harrington said the club met to discuss its options following a busy opening trade day at Etihad Stadium on Monday.

“After the flurry of activity yesterday (Monday) and the arranged talks between the 18 AFL clubs, they have now gone back to their home base to work out what’s relevant and what’s not,” he told

“The next step is to plan what follows - that’s been today (Tuesday) in a nutshell.”

Harrington said the Melbourne list management group would further hone in on its priorities on Wednesday.  

“We meet as a group each day to give an update on what’s happened,” he said.

“All of the group gets together to discuss the latest information that we’ve all been able to garner and then once that information is collated, then we say: ‘now, what’s the next step with each of the processes that we’re following’.

“And that could be on players or trades.”