ELITE performance manager Dave Misson says he could tell the players were struggling with the stifling Darwin conditions early into the 80-minute training session held at Palmerston Football Club on Friday.

Misson said he wasn’t surprised that the players had to dig deep early into the session.

“Looking at them, they were cooked two drills in,” he told melbournef.com.au.

“We just readjusted some of our breakdowns, with the timing of drills, and made sure they came back under the grandstands to take in fluids and the wet towels. We had a few guys whose core temperatures were right up there, but we managed to cool them down.

“I suppose it’s what we expected, but it’s the reason we came up here and to be honest [I was pleased with] the way the boys handled it as well, mentally. Some of the talk towards the ends of the session was really pleasing.”

Although Misson said the players were well drilled and prepared for the camp, it was always going to be a wait and see approach with how they actually coped in the Top End.

“Until you get here, you really don’t realise how hot and humid it is and more importantly how it’s going to affect you, when you are trying to perform as an elite athlete - it really does have a significant impact,” he said.

“We really wanted to put our players into the position where they had to show some resilience and some mental toughness and there was no doubt that was called upon today.  

“We think with another week up here we are going to see who really wants it and who really wants to stick it out. Our expectations are that the large majority of the group is going to be able to do that and that’s what pleases us.”

Misson said the players were aware that they would drop several kilos and they were educated about that happening.

“We had the doctor (Dan Bates) talking to them regularly about what they needed to do to replace the fluid they’d lost. Again it’s an exercise in self management and the players take responsibility for their own performance and their own health and wellbeing,” he said.

But Misson said the players knew what to expect with their second training session, which will be at Garden’s Oval on Sunday.

“They came out before training full of energy and beans, kicking footy’s around and doing what they would normally do in Melbourne. Then 10 minutes in, once the humidity and heat kicked in, it’s like [they said] ‘wow, this is a lot different than we’re used to’,” he said.

“I think come Sunday when we do our next session, which physically is the one that we have planned to be the hardest of the camp, they will know what to expect.

“We will also know more about how we can help get them through.”