In a major break from tradition, the Victorian Ski Slopes Authority has today announced that it has ‘drawn a line in the snow’ for the start of the ski season this weekend.

In a controversial move, the Authority has drawn a line in the snow at Mt Hotham, Falls Creek, Mt Buller and Dinner Plain, which is the line beyond which any bona fide MELBOURNEfc member or supporter will be stopped in their snow tracks this weekend, and sent back towards the MCG for Monday's match v Collingwood.

An Authority spokesman said, "We usually get so many Melbourne supporters up here for the Queen’s Birthday weekend that no one else can find a decent piece of ski space, and you can't get a car park amongst all those Volvos and four wheel drives for love nor money.

"This year, out of fairness to skiers from other clubs, and the general public, we will be declaring the Queen’s Birthday ski season opening weekend as a no-snow zone for MELBOURNEfc members and supporters, and we will be checking their Club records at all ski entrances.

"We believe they have enough entertainment value provided by attending the annual grudge match against Collingwood, so it’s not as if they will be greatly deprived.

"They are also free to come up on any weekend after Queen’s Birthday, as Melbourne's next home game at the MCG isn’t until September, so really, they have plenty of snow opportunities."

For further information, those who were planning to go to the snow should contact The Victorian Ski Slopes Authority information service on 9652 1111.