Melbourne dietician Jo Shinewell looks at how athletes are achieving their ‘ideal body’ with the use of Body Science products

THERE are extremely high demands placed on athletes to perform their best week in and week out.

Performing at an optimum level is about achieving the best body composition; lean and muscular, and fuelling the body with the best combination of nutrients to be efficiently utilised. 

From a training perspective, achieving the ‘ideal body’ is a combination of the training program, as well as the recovery of the muscles.

Fitness training and games require appropriate fuel to be put in the body before the session to ensure players do not fatigue, but also ensuring they recover efficiently after a long and hard session.

The amount of calories and nutrients required by an AFL footballer can be difficult and at times impossible, to consume from food alone.

Beyond that, many athletes are unable to consume the specific nutrients they require in order to achieve their specific goals such was weight gain.

Protein powders ensure that AFL players receive enough protein to aid muscle growth, development and repair.

Quality protein is essential to aid with muscle growth and development, along with a specific resistance program, designed to repair the muscle after intense resistance and cardiovascular exercise.

We recommend our players consume the best protein for their goals and for most of our players, that’s Body Science products.

All players use the protein supplements within minutes of completing their strength training.

Athletes who require a higher protein and carbohydrate intake also consume the protein at night before bed to maximise muscle recovery and repair.

Our players use Body Science products which has been really successful.

I’m a huge fan of the quality of the product, as well as the ease of consuming the products which at times can be difficult.