ABOUT this time last year, Liam Duggan hoped he would be goodenough to get drafted, but he wasn't sure. So he set himself to improve,and add more elements to his game. 

Until thisseason, the small left-footer had been used mostly as a rebounding,neat-kicking defender. But he wanted to become more than that, andworked hard at his midfield craft. 

In theearly parts of the season, Duggan started his transition further up theground, and immediately impressed in ball-winning roles. 

Dugganplays for the Western Jets in the TAC Cup but lives on the border ofNorth Ballarat's region in Bacchus Marsh, and he captained St Patrick'sCollege to another school title this season.  

Dugganis the player who you'd want with the ball if you need someone tocontrol a situation. He'll pick the right time to slow things down, butalso has the nous to be ready to take things on, tuck the ball under hisarm and go for a run. 

He showed this seasonhe can play all over the ground: as a deep small defender, an attackinghalf-back, a free-wheeling wingman, and a pretty complete midfielder. 

Heproved that last part late in the TAC Cup season, when he gathered 30disposals and laid 12 tackles for the Jets against the Gippsland Power.He also used his elite foot skills in attack, kicking 14 goals for theJets this season.

Duggan(who stands 183cm and 75kg) is an outstanding leader, one who stands upin games, speaks well off the field, looks you in the eye and can talkcomfortably to anyone. Winning the Ben Mitchell Medal, as the standoutof the AIS-AFL Academy intake, was testament to that. 

It'sno wonder clubs thought he was one of the best players to interviewthroughout the season, with many recognising his captaincy traits. 

Atthe start of the year you might have wondered whether Duggan had theinside game to be an effective midfielder at AFL level, but that isn't aquestion any more.

Infact, there really aren't too many faults against him and what hedoesn't have in blistering speed (he runs a 3.1-second 20-metre sprint)he makes up for in smarts. He might not have a big point of difference,but a club will get a very rounded prospect. 

Dugganhas a little bit of Nick Dal Santo to him in his neat and sharpdisposal, his creativity with the ball, and his poise under pressure.Not much seems to fuss Duggan wherever he's playing, whoever he'splaying against, and whatever the situation.

Dugganhas continued his steady rise throughout the season and is in the mixas a top-10 pick. There's no risk about him, and many clubs would likehim to be theirs.

Dugganticks two important boxes: he's a safe bet, and he's still got heaps ofroom to improve. With his 18th birthday in December, Duggan will be oneof the few players in the draft to walk into an AFL club as a17-year-old. A classy, composed player getting better and better.