WELL, fellow Dream Team tragics, we have spent months stressing about our teams.
Who’s in and who’s out? How do we cope with the byes? What’s the best way to use the dual position rule?

Round one is done and dusted and our teams are locked in. Trades now become important and can determine how far we get in fantasy final land.
We will ride the ups and downs of the Dream Team season like a dodgy rollercoaster, celebrate our success when you pick a no-name who scores a handy hundred, and shed a tear when a player you’re counting on gets subbed off mid-game and leaves your side in tatters!

Dream Team is back: how did your side go?

The Mighty Dees fought out an exciting draw against the Swans at the MCG last Sunday and that had fans as nervous as a cat at a dog show!
Defender Jack Grimes was in great form, accumulating 104 Dream Team points. He rewarded the whopping 55,606 Dream Teams that picked Grimsey for their side. Young gun and 2009 No.2 draftee Jack Trengove delivered 81 DT points, kicking off what is sure to be a big year.
With round two and a big game against the Hawks looming, here are a few Demons you should be looking at for your side.
1 - Brent Moloney, $338,000, 105 points
2 - Jack Grimes, $240,200, 105 points
3 - Colin Sylvia, $399,500, 91 points
4 - Jack Trengove, $316,100, 81 points
5 - Nathan Jones, $277,500, 80 points
Player of the week
Brent Moloney ($338,000)
Moloney is a absolute gun and he won’t stay at $338,000 for much longer. Chuck a footy in front of him and it’s like a red rag to a bull. He gives 100 per cent and loves the red and blue. With the highest score of any Melbourne player last weekend, Moloney looked in great form against the Swans. It could be worth jumping on board the Moloney train.
Market watch
Stefan Martin ($145,300)
After only managing an average of 35 DT points from his two games in 2010, Martin seems to have kicked off 2011 with a bang. Playing all over the ground against the Swans, Martin racked up a handy 77 Dream Team points. It was his second highest score in his 30 matches since debuting in 2008. At his price, Martin is great value. If he can keep up this form, his price will sky rocket. He is sure to provide value to your side.
Young gun
Luke Tapscott ($97,600)
The walking ball of muscle was sensational last weekend, working up an impressive 23 possessions and 80 points for the Demons. He is the perfect rookie priced-selection for your Dream Team. He will spend plenty of time on the ground, playing 79 per cent of the match against the Swans. If you don’t have Tappy in your side, then you’re behind the eight ball. Get on board!