Dear Members,

As you’re aware, in December 2023 we announced the commencement of a feasibility study to identify a location for the club’s long term homebase within the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve. This study formed part of a broader project focused on community sport and recreation resources, assets and services within the Reserve.

In exciting news, I am thrilled to share with our members, that after extensive work and thorough analysis, the feasibility study for our proposed new training and administration facility at Caulfield Racecourse Reserve has been successfully completed and approved to progress to the next stage of the process. This means, we now move into the Business Case Phase of the project.


An artist's impression of the foyer of the proposed homebase facility.

This phase of the process has focused heavily on stakeholder engagement and garnering local support for the project. The positive sentiment from so many local community organisations and groups has been wide-spread and the feasibility study has definitely highlighted the community’s desire to see this project come to life.

While the success of the feasibility study does not ensure the future of the project, it is a crucial milestone in the process and marks a significant step forward in our journey towards realising our vision of a high-performance facility that makes us all feel proud to belong.

As mentioned above, we will now embark on the business case phase of the project. This phase will see us continue to work closely with all stakeholders to achieve further clarity on key components of the project, resolve any outstanding issues bought to light during the Feasibility Study and to ultimately seek State Government and Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust approval to proceed with building our new home.

Within the business case phase, we will need to present the proposed funding model for the project, details of key users of the facility and the specifics of their access, an ongoing operating model for the facility, as well as further exploration of potential designs and layouts to ensure any facility would meet both the needs of the club and the community.

We expect to receive an outcome on the success or otherwise of the business case around mid-2025.

While there is still a way to go, Melbourne members should feel confident in the work being done by all involved to ensure we achieve our vision of uniting our club at a new home-base within our heartland.

As mentioned above, one of the most pleasing aspects of the successful feasibility study was the overwhelming support we received from the Glen Eira community including local sporting clubs and schools, and various other community organisations.

This support brings us closer to our goal of creating a state-of-the-art facility with genuine community integration and connection at its core.

The proposed facility has the potential to transform the lives of those who live and work in the area, providing much-needed green spaces and community resources.

With Glen Eira having the lowest amount of open space within any Victorian municipality, the inclusion of two incredible ovals in the broader masterplan will transform the area and offer amazing new facilities for the community.


As we have previously noted, Glen Eira is a traditional Heartland of the Melbourne Football Club, with many of our Club members and supporters living in the area and many club greats hailing from the area. Hence, the opportunity to create a facility that benefits both our club and the Glen Eira community is an incredibly exciting prospect.    

As always, we remain committed to keeping our members and supporters informed throughout this process.

For more information and frequently asked questions related to the project, please click here.

Thank you for your continued support as we work toward this exciting new chapter for our club.

Go Dees!
Gary Pert