MELBOURNE has ruled Paxy Paxman out of this weekend’s clash against Fremantle with a minor foot injury.  

Sam Batterton, the club’s AFLW High Performance Manager, provided an update on the Demon on Tuesday.  

“Paxy pulled up sore after the game,” Batterton said.  

“She’s had [her foot] scanned and the damage seems to be on the minor side, which is really positive.  

“We’re optimistic that it’ll be a short-term sidelining.” 


Jemma Rigoni is closing in on a return to footy after managing a groin injury throughout the early part of the season.  

“Jemma has made really great progress,” Batterton said.  

“She’s ticked off a few of her really key markers, so she’ll rejoin training at the backend of this week. 

“Then she’ll look to be back into a game [of footy] in the next couple of weeks.” 

In positive news for the Demons, Liv Purcell has returned to running after sustaining facial fractures a month ago.  

“She’s ticked off a couple of sessions of running, which is great,” Batterton said.  

“She’s in a slow build at the start while she heals from that facial surgery, but she’s made great progress.”  

Tayla Harris returned to the club this week following surgery on her shoulder.  

“She’s in a sling at the moment, so she’ll be managing the shoulder from that capacity,” Batterton said. 

“But it was great for her to get moving, kicking the footy today outside. It’s been good to have her back at the club and getting around the girls.”

Saraid Taylor is progressing through her calf injury, while Aimee Mackin and Jacinta Hose continue to manage their rehab for ACL injuries.  

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Player Injury Estimated Return
4. Paxy Paxman

4. Paxy Paxman

Foot 1 - 2 Weeks

“Paxy pulled up sore after the game. She’s had [her foot] scanned and the damage seems to be on the minor side which is really positive. We’re optimistic that it’ll be a short-term sidelining.”

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43. Jemma Rigoni

43. Jemma Rigoni

Groin 1 - 2 weeks

“Jemma has made really great progress. She’s ticked off a few of her really key markers, so she’ll rejoin training at the backend of this week. Then she’ll look to be back into a game [of footy] in the next couple of weeks.”

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28. Saraid Taylor

28. Saraid Taylor

Calf 2 - 3 Weeks

“Saraid had a bit of a setback last week. She’ll look to integrate into running at the backend of this week. It’s been a tricky one for Saraid, but she’s done really well through this period.”

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15. Lauren Pearce

15. Lauren Pearce

Wrist 5 weeks

“Unfortunately, we will be without Lauren for an extended period, due to an injury she sustained in a spoiling incident on Thursday. Lauren will require surgery and at this stage, we expect her to be available to play again in six weeks. It’s really unfortunate news for Lauren, but we know she will attack her rehab with the utmost professionalism, and do whatever she can to help and support her teammates from the sidelines over the coming weeks.”

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2. Olivia Purcell

2. Olivia Purcell

Face TBC

“Liv had surgery late last week and it went well, we’re really happy with the progress she’s made. She’s recovering from that surgery now, so will spend a bit of time away from the club and then once she makes a return to the club, we’ll look at a timeline for her return to play. Liv’s in good spirits and is keen to support the team while on the sidelines.”

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7. Tayla Harris

7. Tayla Harris

Shoulder Season

"Scans this week revealed the 27-year-old, who sustained injury to the same shoulder in pre-season, had suffered a repeat anterior shoulder dislocation. "After further consultation with a specialist on Tuesday, it was recommended Harris undergo surgery."

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25. Jacinta Hose

25. Jacinta Hose

Knee Season
21. Aimee Mackin

21. Aimee Mackin

Knee Season

“It’s obviously such a disappointing outcome, injuring herself so close to the beginning of our season,” Mulholland told Melbourne Media. “Although we are thousands of kilometres away, we are wrapping our arms around Aimee and will offer whatever support we can in these challenging circumstances. “There’s lots to work through as we decide how to approach the rest of the season, however, our thoughts at the moment are focused on Aimee and her recovery.”

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4. Paxy Paxman

4. Paxy Paxman

“Paxy pulled up sore after the game. She’s had [her foot] scanned and the damage seems to be on the minor side which is really positive. We’re optimistic that it’ll be a short-term sidelining.”

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Injury: Foot
Est. Return: 1 - 2 Weeks
43. Jemma Rigoni

43. Jemma Rigoni

“Jemma has made really great progress. She’s ticked off a few of her really key markers, so she’ll rejoin training at the backend of this week. Then she’ll look to be back into a game [of footy] in the next couple of weeks.”

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Injury: Groin
Est. Return: 1 - 2 weeks
28. Saraid Taylor

28. Saraid Taylor

“Saraid had a bit of a setback last week. She’ll look to integrate into running at the backend of this week. It’s been a tricky one for Saraid, but she’s done really well through this period.”

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Injury: Calf
Est. Return: 2 - 3 Weeks
15. Lauren Pearce

15. Lauren Pearce

“Unfortunately, we will be without Lauren for an extended period, due to an injury she sustained in a spoiling incident on Thursday. Lauren will require surgery and at this stage, we expect her to be available to play again in six weeks. It’s really unfortunate news for Lauren, but we know she will attack her rehab with the utmost professionalism, and do whatever she can to help and support her teammates from the sidelines over the coming weeks.”

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Injury: Wrist
Est. Return: 5 weeks
2. Olivia Purcell

2. Olivia Purcell

“Liv had surgery late last week and it went well, we’re really happy with the progress she’s made. She’s recovering from that surgery now, so will spend a bit of time away from the club and then once she makes a return to the club, we’ll look at a timeline for her return to play. Liv’s in good spirits and is keen to support the team while on the sidelines.”

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Injury: Face
Est. Return: TBC
7. Tayla Harris

7. Tayla Harris

"Scans this week revealed the 27-year-old, who sustained injury to the same shoulder in pre-season, had suffered a repeat anterior shoulder dislocation. "After further consultation with a specialist on Tuesday, it was recommended Harris undergo surgery."

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Injury: Shoulder
Est. Return: Season
21. Aimee Mackin

21. Aimee Mackin

“It’s obviously such a disappointing outcome, injuring herself so close to the beginning of our season,” Mulholland told Melbourne Media. “Although we are thousands of kilometres away, we are wrapping our arms around Aimee and will offer whatever support we can in these challenging circumstances. “There’s lots to work through as we decide how to approach the rest of the season, however, our thoughts at the moment are focused on Aimee and her recovery.”

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Injury: Knee
Est. Return: Season

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