Melbourne Football Club President Kate Roffey has announced that she will hand over the reins as President to club legend Brad Green as part of a process of Board renewal.

Roffey will step down as President effective immediately and will also vacate her position on the Board.

Roffey, who joined the Melbourne Football Club Board in 2013 and has served as President since 2021 said she was sincerely grateful for all the support she has received throughout her tenure.

“As I finish up my incredible time with the Melbourne Football Club, I pass on my sincere thanks to all those who have supported me along the way – fellow Directors, CEO Gary Pert and the staff who work so tirelessly behind the scenes, our football department, in particular our Head Coaches Simon Goodwin and Mick Stinear, Footy Boss Alan Richardson, and our members, yes – especially the Mighty Demon Army,” said Roffey.

“To the families of our players, thank you!

“And of course, to the men and women who play for the red and the blue – by far the most rewarding part of a President’s role is having the opportunity to know you all and share a hug.

“As always, I will be sitting in the stands cheering you on.

“My best goes to everyone for the ongoing success of the Mighty Dees!”

Incoming Melbourne Football Club President Brad Green thanked Roffey for her outstanding leadership.

"Kate’s legacy as President is outstanding and we owe her a debt of gratitude. She took over at a tumultuous time, brought great stability to the Board and backed our management team and football department to deliver premierships,” said Green.

“Under Kate's Presidency, Melbourne has experienced record membership growth and won both an AFL and AFLW Premiership. Kate has overseen the delivery of strong financial results, as well as steering the Casey Fields development, and the creation of the club’s Future Fund.

"As the first female President of Melbourne Football Club, Kate has etched her name among the great pioneers of our game. She loves our members and fans and always has them at the forefront of her decision making."

Green said he would lead a review of the Board aimed at resetting and refreshing its performance.

“I am honoured to have been chosen as President by my colleagues and proud to continue to serve this great club which has given me so many opportunities in life.

“I have told my colleagues that I will lead the review process and once it is completed I would like to give the Board the opportunity to vote again on the Presidency.

“This will be a collaborative reset of the Board and it’s important that we are honest with each other about where we have succeeded, and where we could have done better.

“There is no doubt that we need to turn the faith and belief of our members and fans into results and performance, and the Board stands at the top of that process.

“We are united by a love for this footy club and I want to bring us all together as one red and blue force.”