MELBOURNE will celebrate its 20 years of partnership with Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) this weekend with the 2024 edition of the Pink Lady Match.  

The club has a proud history of supporting BCNA with the Pink Lady match becoming a highly anticipated game in the fixture. 

As part of the long-standing partnership, the match looks to celebrate the work of the organisation, raising awareness and providing support and services for those diagnosed with breast cancer.  

In an exciting initiative for 2024, Melbourne’s Co-Principal Partner Zurich has thrown its support behind BCNA, forgoing its logo for the Round 15 game. 

The Zurich logo on the club’s AFL warm-up tee will be replaced by the names of Australians impacted by breast cancer, with each player to proudly play in honour of them. 

Fans were invited to nominate a loved one who has battled or is currently battling the devastating disease, to have their name displayed and worn afront of the tee during the pre-game against North Melbourne. 

Those who were selected to have their names across the warm-up tees have also written a heartfelt letter to each AFL player, to bring home the devastating impact of breast cancer and the ripple effect it has on the families of those affected. 

Zurich’s support will aim to raise further awareness of the important resources and services available to the 20,000-plus people diagnosed with breast cancer each year, while representing some of the members, supporters and family connections close to the club’s heart. 

While we won't see the Pink Lady on the 'G this year, fans can show their support by buying a virtual a spot on the 'G in BCNA's Virtual Pink Lady. 

Supporters can also purchase a scarf, beanie, poncho or banner, all helping raise important funds for the organisation. 

Learn more about BCNA here.