Tomorrow night the Melbourne Football Club will be holding a Special General Meeting from 6.30pm AEDT (doors open at 6.00pm) in the State Room, Pullman Melbourne Albert Park Hotel 65 Queens Rd Melbourne.

The meeting will also be available to watch online on the club website here

The purpose of this meeting is to allow members to vote on the following resolution, which is intended to be proposed as a special resolution.

That the current Constitution of the Club be replaced with the proposed new Constitution, clean and marked-up copies of which are available to view at under ‘Notices & Updates.’

If you are planning on attending in person, please ensure you have your digital membership card loaded on your device or a copy of photo ID.

Parking is available at the venue for a fee, or on surrounding streets.

If you are unable to attend, you can nominate a proxy to vote on your behalf. Nomination of proxies closes 5.00pm AEDT Tuesday 25 October.

Please note, each member is only eligible to vote on the special resolution once. If you have nominated a proxy and plan to vote in person on the evening, only your in-person vote will be counted in the final numbers.

Constitutional reform requires 75% support from the members who vote. Should votes in support of the proposed changes exceed this, the special resolution is accepted. If this threshold is not met, the current constitution remains in place.