Yesterday the Kicking Goals Professional Development session was held at Casey Fields with 19 teachers from the 21 schools taking part in 2010 program attending the session.

The Kicking Goals Program is a 6 week program, which focuses on healthy eating, Respect, Harmony, Leadership and Teamwork. The program is facilitated by Monash and Deakin University Advanced Practicum students and/or PE Teachers within each school, reaching more than 2,000 students overall.

The “Kicking Goals “program is linked to relevant learning outcomes as prescribed in the curriculum frameworks.  Along with the student resources, teachers were also provided with a 10 lesson classroom teacher and learning curriculum to assist with the delivery.

In 2009, over 1,700 students from 13 schools participated in the “Kicking Goals” pilot program and the participation has increased in 2010 with 21 schools within the City of Casey again taking part in the program, commencing in Term 3.

The session run by the Melbourne Football Club focussed on what the program is, how the program will be run,  and gave the teachers the opportunity to have their input on how they see the program working in 2010.

Mark Riddiford from the AFL also addressed the group on the resources that are available through the AFL and gave an insight into the AFL Development webpage and various opportunities that schools in the program have to utilise the AFL website.

The participants were also provided with a fantastic opportunity to have lunch with the Melbourne players and in particular had the chance to sit next to their school’s player ambassador and talk about the program.

GM Football, Chris Connolly, then called on each school’s representative to be presented with a framed “Demons Friendly School” certificate by their school’s player ambassador.