INSPIRATIONAL president and club great Jim Stynes has thanked the Melbourne and football public at large for their continuing well wishes, as he continues to fight cancer.

Speaking at Melbourne’s annual general meeting on Thursday night, Stynes acknowledged everyone who has made contact since his health issues.

“I really want to thank everyone for all of the emails and cards and well wishes over the last few months,” he said.

“I really appreciate it and it makes a difference … and it helps my family.”

Vice-president Don McLardy praised Stynes’ ability to keep leading the club, despite his personal battle.

“Under Jim’s remarkable leadership skills and courage under immense pressure, we have seen our club become united and have strong values, financially independent and have a bright future,” he said.

Meanwhile, Stynes said the club’s new target to reach 40,000 members was one that could make a significant impact for the club.

“In the next three months, six months … or whatever it might be - but clearly having members makes a difference,” he said.

“There are a lot of people coming into this state, and we need to convince them that the Melbourne Football Club is the place to be.

“This year we expect improvement, we’ll be exciting and we will win and we’ll win some big games, but we’ll also - I’m sure - have a few disappointments along the way.

“We do want to keep growing.”

Stynes said the club is now settled, but it is time to start progressing.

“We’ve stabilised the club and we’re now going to start seeing results,” he said.

“We’ve going to ask a little bit more from everyone.”

“The players will be expected to improve this year - there’s no doubt about it. Our supporters will also be expected to improve and get better.”