MELBOURNE is proud to support the ‘Share Lunch, Fight Hunger Day’. 

Share Lunch Day asks you to donate what you would normally spend on lunch for one day. 
Every cent raised by Feed Melbourne goes to charities to help them handle food donations. 
All Melbourne Football Club staff has donated the equivalent amount of their daily lunch money to the appeal. 

Melbourne’s former captain, David Neitz, who is now working at the Club as Stakeholder Relations Manager, said that homelessness is a huge issue in Melbourne.

“We have been involved with the homelessness in Melbourne over the last 25 years through our association with the Berry Street child welfare organisation,” he said.
“Our objective is to raise the profile of homelessness, and to encourage our supporters and our business community to support the key causes aimed at reducing it.”

Melbourne is proud to be partnering with the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Fund and FairShare to support ‘Feed Melbourne’ - an initiative aimed to help the 370,000 people in Melbourne who don’t know where their next meal is coming from.

Feed Melbourne is an awareness campaign, being conducted in order to raise money for food charities, to help them rescue, store and distribute good food that would otherwise go to waste. 
The program provides the opportunity for Victorian food charities to apply for funding, to cover the cost of equipment and facilities needed for the charities to be able to accept and store the food.   
Many charities use the funding to purchase fridges, freezers, cool rooms, and food transport vehicles. 
These all enable such charities to substantially increase their food donations.
Charities can make a small donation go a long way. 
For every $50 donated, volunteers can cook and distribute 100 meals.  Since 2009, Feed Melbourne has raised and distributed more than $400,000 to 40 charities throughout Melbourne.

Donations can be made directly to the campaign via, by mail to Feed Melbourne c/- Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, GPO Box 1851, Melbourne 3001, or by calling FareShare on 9428 0044.