TWENTY five coaches from our community partner leagues have been inducted into our Coach Mentor Program.

This exclusive opportunity aims to equip coaches with the skills needed to inspire and support their teams by gaining invaluable knowledge from our coaching staff.

The four session program allows participants to observe coaching techniques during the intra-club and NAB Cup matches, have a one-on-one session with a coach, and attend our ‘Coach the Coach’ seminars.

Highlights from day one of the program included Jade Rawlings discussing key points to look out for in the intra-club match, insights offered during the intra-club match from Chris Connolly and an open floor with Rawlings after the match.

Kate Jennings from the Victorian Women’s Football League said, “Our first day of the Coach Mentor program has been really informative and I’m already looking forward to taking the things I’ve learnt back to my club.”

The Coach Mentor Program is an integrated part of our genuine commitment to promoting and developing football at a grass roots level.

Some of the Club's partner leagues that were represented through the participating coaches included the Victorian Women’s Football League, Yarra Junior Football League, South East Juniors and Mornington Peninsula Nepean Football League.