SEPTEMBER 18, 2015 – day five
THE final day has finally arrived. This week has gone too quick, but I feel as though it has come at the right time, as the body is getting very sore and tired.
Mentally I’m very fatigued and you could tell in the 20 minutes of the first session this morning that I was lacking motivation and concentration. Bill is a very good teacher, and to his credit he got me up and about, by playing some badminton to get the feet moving and then doing some fun drills.
The final day, to be summed up, would have to be putting everything that we have worked on in the last four days into running and jumping.
This morning we eventually got to train on the soccer pitch and do a lot more accelerations, decelerations and controlled jumps whilst running.
Again the first part of the session consisted of basic running movements and actions, which we have been doing over the past week. Then we would transfer into running at a quicker pace.
Bill was really surprised with how well I transitioned from Monday to Thursday –doing the basic movements and applying it when I am running.
The new jumping exercises were very hard for me, as my calves and feet were just too sore from the week. Bill emphasised that when I was landing from jumping, I didn’t land with bent knees, but stiff knees. Then I was able to jump, landing on the balls of my feet.
The second part of the session, was pushing off the outside of my leg and into agility.
Bill set four cones within a five metre radius and the aim was to touch the cone, but not overstride when touching it.
I’ve been very happy with how this week has gone.
It’s been a massive challenge, but I just have to look at the bigger picture. The best thing about it is that every time I have trained over the week – and the past six months – has put me on a good track for pre-season and round one.
Go Dees!