KATE Hore had big shoes to fill when she took on Melbourne’s captaincy in 2023.

Departing skipper Daisy Pearce left a lasting legacy on the club and while Hore was thrilled to be next in line, it was a daunting feat many would’ve shied away from.

But she quickly embraced the challenge head-on, making the captaincy role her own, instead of trying to fit into the existing mold left by Pearce.

The 29-year-old was steadfast in her leadership both on and off the field, developing with the group each week.

Now, in 2024, voted in as captain for a second consecutive season, Hore is excited to be at the helm again, ready for even more growth as the team’s leader.


“It was a little bit overwhelming being told…the support from all the girls is really, really nice,” Hore told Melbourne Media.

“It's something that I never ever take for granted, being a leader of this group.

It's a privilege to be able to be captain again this season.”

The Demon’s first season as skipper saw her reach new levels, named the joint leading goal scorer alongside teammate Eden Zanker, in addition to her All-Australian selection.  

She averaged 17 disposals, four tackles and three clearances and led the team to their third consecutive finals series.

Hore reflected on last year’s step-up to leadership and what she learned during the process.  

“I think for me, it's just continuing to grow in the role and I guess build that self-belief that I am a leader,” Hore said.

“It is a bit of a weird feeling sometimes, I guess, having that title as captain, but it’s something that I'm feeling more and more comfortable with.

“I've got amazing people around me and Mick’s [Stinear] obviously an incredible role model for me to bounce ideas off and look up to.

I feel so well supported in my role, and I never feel like I have to go at it alone which I think is really important.

“And we've just got such a great group of girls.”

Hore is joined in the 2024 leadership group by Tyla Hanks (vice-captain), Paxy Paxman and Sarah Lampard.

It will be Hanks’ second season as vice-captain, while Lampard and Paxman both re-enter the group as foundation players of the club.

“I think [Hanksy's] growth as a leader is just coming out every year that she's in the role and her on-field [leadership] really speaks for itself," Hore said.

"Off-field is where she's really developed and grown as a person - she's got great connections and friendships with the girls in the team...so I'm super excited to work with Hanksy again this year.

"I think [Paxy’s] always maintained that leader status within our program. I'd say she would be the most respected person in our program, so, I think to have her as leader in a formal capacity, she's got a lot to offer.

"She leads by example, is super authentic in the way she goes about it. So, I'm looking forward to having her as a senior leader again this year.

"[Lampy’s] the ultimate professional and has a really good relationship with the girls.

“I think she has taken her leadership to another step this year and she'll be a great addition.”

With just 64 days until the season officially kicks off, Melbourne is building its team connection and game structure. 

Having finished in devastating fashion last year with a disappointing semi-final exit, Hore said the group is energised and ready thanks to fresh faces among the club. 

“I think almost the best thing we could have done is just bring in new faces and bring in that energy," Hore said. 

“We've got nine new additions to the team this year, so I think it's brought really good energy.

“We've really been out to hit the ground running and build that intensity in drills.

“Tonight, we were already doing scenario-based drills, which is pretty early on in the pre-season to start building some of those game drills out.

“So, our education as a team is continuing to build and I'm loving the intensity that the girls are bringing to sessions.

“I think we're in a really good spot.”