ASIDE from the revamped format of the NAB Cup, there are several rules that will be different from the AFL premiership season.

In summary, three rules will be used during the NAB Cup and NAB Challenge - the six-man interchange and two substitutes, boundary umpires paying free kicks and free kicks will be paid against players dragging or holding the ball under their opponent.

Nine-point goals from outside 50m will be awarded in NAB Cup, but not NAB Challenge.

Technology to assist scoring decisions will be made in the NAB Cup, but not the NAB Challenge.

Last touch out of bounds will only be paid in the first round of the NAB Cup.

Here is a guide of rules from the AFL about the upcoming NAB Cup and NAB Challenge.

NAB Cup - Round 1
·      Each triangular series will involved three teams competing in three matches at the same venue
·      Each match will comprise two halves
·      Each half will be timed as follows: The clock will run continuously (no ‘time on’) for the first 17.5 minutes. A further 2.5 minutes will follow, timed as per premiership season. (i.e. with ‘time on’)
·      Each match will be scheduled with an eight minute half-time
·      The Official Start Time of matches 2 and 3 will be 20 minutes following the final siren of the preceding match. i.e. 20min breaks as per Premiership Season half time
·      Team A (eg. Adelaide) as nominated in each triangular pool will be unrestricted in the number of official team sheet changes that can be made between matches one and three
·      Team B (eg. Melbourne) will be permitted to make up to three official team sheet changes between matches one and two
·      Players listed as emergencies on the team list will be permitted equal arena access
·      Within each triangular series, the winner of each match shall be awarded four NAB Cup points. Two points shall be awarded to each team in the event of a draw
·      The team with the most points shall win the series and proceed through to Round 2 of the NAB Cup
·      In the event of two teams finishing the series on the same number of points, percentage will determine the winner of the series
·      The winners of the six triangular series will proceed to Round 2 of the NAB Cup
·      The 12 remaining teams will be ranked on accumulated NAB Cup points, then percentage and then accumulated game scores. The two top ranked teams are then awarded a wild card and continue through to Round 2 of NAB Cup
·      The 10 remaining teams will proceed through to the first week of the NAB Challenge.
NAB Cup Round 2 onwards & NAB Challenge
·      Four quarters of 17.5mins plus time on
·      Quarter and half time breaks as per premiership season (six and 20 minutes respectively)
·      In consultation with participating clubs, AFL has discretion to extend the quarter and half time breaks
·      Fixturing of the NAB Cup Round 2 matches and the first week of NAB Challenge will be determined following the conclusion of the NAB Cup Round 1 fixture as is the usual process
·      In the NAB Challenge, if both clubs wish to use more than 26 players, approval can be sought from the AFL
Six interchange players and two substitute players (as per 2010)
·      Clubs will be required to identify on the team sheet up to six interchange players and two substitutes
·      Substitutes can be introduced at any time of the match and for any reason
·      A substituted player cannot return to the field for the remainder of the match
·      This rule will also apply in the NAB Challenge.
Boundary umpires to pay free kicks (as per 2010)
·      Boundary umpires can award free kicks for matter of fact holding or high contact infringements
·      This is an extension of the 2010 rule that was applicable only to stoppages
·      This trial rule will also apply in the NAB Challenge
Free kick against player who drags or holds ball under opponent (2010 trial rule with enhancement)
·      Players will be penalised if they drag the ball under or hold the ball under an opponent who is attempting to hit the ball clear. This tactic is counter to the spirit of the holding the ball rule
·      This trial rule will also apply in the NAB Challenge
Nine points for goals kicked from outside 50m (as per 2010 with enhancement)
·      In addition to the nine points for a goal from outside 50m already trialed in previous years, if a player has been awarded a mark or free kick, any subsequent action by an opposition player that results in either a 50m penalty or a down field free kick, advancing the mark or free kick from outside to inside the 50m arc, the player taking the resultant kick has the option of:
·      (1) Taking the full 50m penalty, kicking from inside the 50m arc. A goal in this instance is worth 6 points
·      (2) Kick from outside 50m arc for 9 points. The player taking the kick must have his grounded foot behind the 50m arc for the 9 points to be awarded. The man on the mark will be positioned at 45m from goal
Official scorer can assist with scoring decisions by referencing technology (new for 2011)
·      Any consultation between the field, boundary and goal umpires will trigger the participation by official scorer, using the broadcast footage immediately available
·      This will extend to include determining whether a goal was a 6 or 9 point play
·      The Official Scorer will be permitted to trigger a consultation
·      For the avoidance of doubt, there are no “referrals”. Players will not be permitted to call for consultation. The official scorer will be using whatever video angles are immediately available
·      A consultation cannot interrupt play. If play resumes the opportunity to consult has passed
Last touch out of bounds (Round 1 only - new for 2011)
·      A free kick will be awarded against the last player to have touched the ball before it goes out of bounds, except in the following circumstances when a throw in will result:
·      The umpires are unable to determine who touched the ball last, or  the ball goes out of bounds following a spoiled marking contest  or the ball goes out of bounds as a result of a smothered kick or handball
·      This trial rule will only apply in Round 1 of the NAB Cup
General Overview
·      For the purposes only of the match review panel and/or tribunal, each Round 1 triangular series in 2011 will be deemed as a single match.
Greater Western Sydney
·      Greater Western Sydney (GWS) will compete in the NAB Cup and NAB Challenge, with the ability to use top players given it does not have a complete senior list.