Sarah Robinson

Sarah joined the Melbourne Football Club Board in September 2023 and is a member of the Investment Sub Committee. She brings with her a wealth of experience accumulated over a career spanning more than three decades in financial markets. 

Her professional journey has revolved around the provision of strategic planning and investment advice to high-net-worth investors. Sarah’s expertise encompasses a broad spectrum of asset classes, including Australian and International listed securities, fixed interest, managed funds, infrastructure, and Private Equity funds. Currently she holds a Division Director level role at a prominent financial institution. 

Prior to her current role, Sarah made significant contributions to the ASX education programme and enjoyed a two-decade tenure as a regular guest on ABC talk back radio, where she shared her insights and knowledge with a national audience. 

Sarah’s accomplishments have been recognised on a national scale as she earned a place on the esteemed Barron’s top 100 advisers list. 

Sarah holds a Bachelor of Arts (History), is ASX Derivatives Accredited (level 1) and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. 

Sarah is a lifetime supporter of the Club, member for more than 20 years and current player sponsor.

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