Kate Roffey - President

Kate Roffey joined the Melbourne Football Club Board in 2013 and was elevated to the role of President in April 2021. Kate is currently the Director of Deals, Investment & Major Projects at Wyndham City and is also the Chair of the Metro Trains Advisory Board, and a Member of the Victoria University Council. Kate is also the former Chair of the Victorian Regional Channels Authority and Member of the Ministerial Better Planning and Approvals Review Board and the Ministerial Freight Advisory Committee.

Kate is the former CEO of the Committee for Melbourne, former CEO of VicSport and the Senior Manager responsible for the billion dollar Melbourne Park Tennis Centre redevelopment at Tennis Australia.

Kate has a strong background in professional sport and has had the opportunity to spend time with some of the world’s leading sports teams, including the New York Yankees, Manchester United FC, Dallas Cowboys and Miami Dolphins, reviewing world’s best sporting practice.

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